Early bird offers include a special package prize
The organisers of Rally Terra Sarda, Round 6 of the 2022 TER - Tour European Rally and Round 5 of the 2022 TER Historic, have prepared a special offer for competitors which will enter the event before September 6th: a special price package including a reduced entry fee, a return ferry trip for 2 people and vehicle up to 9m, and 2 nights accomodation in the Rally Village.
Details of the offer are available here: https://www.portocervoracing.it/web/rallyterrasarda/agevolazioni-equipaggi-2022/
Booking form is available here: https://terseries.com/uploads/photos/booking%20form%20rts.pdf
More information on the event can be found here: https://www.portocervoracing.it/web/rallyterrasarda/